October 27, 2013
Mobile Email Design Resources
These are the links from the appendix to my MediaNext presentation on relaunching your email products for mobile. I expect to have the full slides up shortly.
- Buy a copy of Modern HTML Email by Jason Rodriguez
- Sign up with Litmus (or similar) email testing service
- Check out Antwort , an open source responsive newsletter template. Demonstrates some very advanced techniques.
- Having trouble with Outlook? Google conditional comments.
- Campaign Monitors guide to responsive email:
- http://www.campaignmonitor.com/guides/mobile/
- Litmus inspiration blog posts: https://litmus.com/blog/category/inspiration
- MailChimp template library: http://templates.mailchimp.com/design/mobile-friendliness
Also, see our previous posts on technical tricks to improve you messages on iPhone and designing HTML email buttons that work everywhere .